debug_kit setting panel for CakePHP
harpy for Cakephp Shell
ImagemakeComponent for Cakephp
LogicalDeleteBehavior for Cakephp
Excel Reviser Component for CakePHP
Validation for Cakephp
Attach Plugin, that make upload easy in CakePHP 2.0
Make Bake generate the code using the Zend Standard
CakePHP Plugin with a collection of Annotations to use
CakePHP Plugin that gives to console additional functionalities
pt_BR Locales
CakePHP 2.0 Plugin that aims to make easily the autocomplete fuctionality.
Paypal vendor and IPN implementation for "buy it now" and "subscription" transactions
CakePHP Plugin for ElasticSearch
Discontinued. Plugin-wrapped CakePHP behavior to work with IPv6 addresses with efficient MySQL storage
Geoip Component for CakePHP.
A base application that includes user registration and ACL's for authorization
A web application in CakePHP for file storage