Boilerplate code for new CakePHP projects.
A plugin for managing uploads in a polymorphic manner. Inspired by Rails' Attachment_fu and Paperclip plugins.
A collection of useful (to me, at least) formatters for values that are commonly input, stored and displayed in different ways.
CakePHP plugin para registro de atividade
CRUD CakePHP Behavior Plugin
Plugin Admin para o CakePHP
Plugin para CakePHP que utiliza o Google Oauth para autenticação do usuário
CakePHP plugin for integration with Hudson CI
CakePHP autotest runner
CakePHP REST plugin like Rails REST
eav storage for cake
Share your working configuration files with others
Template for CakePHP webapps
Plugin to allow CakePHP views to be stored in memcache and served from Nginx.
A shopping cart based on cakephp
A Google reCAPTCHA plugin for CakePHP. Protect your CakePHP application from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.
A Google Analytics plugin for CakePHP. Provides a server-side interface for configuring the tracking JavaScript code.
PayPal plugin for CakePHP
Twitter Bootstrap for Cake 2.0 (a work in progress)