A simple shell to help upgrade an old cake1.1 application to cake1.2/1.3 readiness
Just the demo code, used at the KYOSS/Meetup at LVL1
CakePHP lib, static methods to convert an ArrayToXml
CakePHP Behavior for lat/lon Ranged Searches
A plugin monitor suite, you can tie into your cakephp application, and export to monitoring services
Google Checkout Plugin for CakePHP 2.1
CDN Assets + md5 hash as part of the filename = always unique URL. A CakePHP Plugin/Lib to facilitate (for JS, CSS, Images, etc)
Edit in Place Plugin (Helper/Component) for CakePHP (requires jquery)
Behaviour for standardizing and cleaning $this->data
Stickyable Behavior to maintain contain and joins for multiple finds
CakePHP Plugin to interact with the Litle API
Input access, sanitization, security layer to simplify CakeRequest access
Behavior to manage SELECT UNION finds with CakePHP
Lib and Behavior to manage datetime range
CakePHP Plugin to facilitate full text indexing across any Model via ElasticSearch
Rackspace Cloud Plugin (Cloud Files, Cloud DNS, etc...)
AdobeConnect Plugin (API implemented as Models/Datasource) and some helpers
AdobeConnect Plugin (API implemented as Models/Datasource) and some helpers