Bancha Basic provides everything you need to build your first Ext JS or Sencha Touch application, while using CakePHP on the server.
This Add-On for Bancha helps Developer-Teams in the process of creating Bancha Applications.
baserCMS : Based Website Development Project
CakePHP Sermepa Plugin
Rollbar Errorhandler plugin for CakePHP 2
A featue-rich and extensible asset management plugin for CakePHP 2.x supporting (asynchronous) JS, CSS, meta tags, and more
File Storage behavior for CakePHP
This plugin is giving you the possibility to store files in virtually and kind of storage backend. This plugin is wrapping the Gaufrette library ( library in a CakePHP fashion and provides a simple way to use the
Sample Application for the CakePHP Cart plugin:
HtmlPurifier plugin for CakePHP
Imagine Plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP wrapper for the php 5.3 Imagine image processing library.
OAuth2 plugin for CakePHP
Migrations Plugin for CakePHP
Comments Plugin for CakePHP
Utils Plugin for CakePHP
Templates Plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP Oauth Library Plugin
Markup Parsers Plugin for CakePHP
Categories Plugin for CakePHP.