Available CakePHP packages

444 packages found

Signified / CakePHP-GeoNames-DataSource

Datasources has:license license:mit version:1.3.x

A CakePHP DataSource for interfacing with the GeoNames Web Service

Signified / CakePHP-Weather-Component

Third-party Apis has:license license:mit version:1.3.x

A CakePHP component for getting the weather using The Google Weather API

simkimsia / TwigViewTemporary

View has:lib has:license has:readme has:view license:mit version:2.x

temporary home for TwigView customized for private project

srs81 / CakePHP-CustomFields

Model has:config has:controller has:fixture has:helper has:license has:model has:readme has:tests license:mit version:2.x

Custom field plugin for CakePHP 2.x. Adds custom field support to your app without any database changes.

stefanvangastel / CakePHP-FeedbackIt

Developer Tools has:composer has:controller has:elements has:license has:locale has:model has:readme license:mit version:2.x

Feedback or bugreport (with screenshot!) tab option in your CakePHP application. Data can be posted directly to Mantis, E-mail, Github issues, filesystem, etc.

tarraschk / CakePHP-Environment

Configuration has:config has:license has:readme license:mit version:2.x

Auto-detect environment based on specific server environment variables, and allow per environment configuration and environment emulation.