Available CakePHP packages

1,618 packages found

josegonzalez / cakephp-supervalidatable-behavior

Model version:1.3.x

packaging delicious validation rules into one behavior :)

josegonzalez / codebasehq_plugin

Other/Unknown version:1.3.x

CakePHP Shell to calculate CodeBaseHQ time using git commit messages

josegonzalez / database_logger

Error Handling has:readme version:1.3.x

The example CakePHP DatabaseLogger as a repository

josegonzalez / documentation

Other/Unknown version:1.3.x

An INCOMPLETE re-implementation of the CakePHP documentation as a series of tutorials. CakePHP 1.3 ONLY. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

josegonzalez / inflection

Other/Unknown version:1.3.x

Inflect the heck out of your word(s)

josegonzalez / package_installer

Utility has:readme version:1.3.x

VERY BETA, NOT FUNCTIONAL IN THE SLIGHTEST. Install cakephp packages (plugins, applications, utilities) using this plugin.

josegonzalez / retranslatable-behavior

Internationalization version:1.3.x

Stop worrying about populating your translation data AFTER you have your app built and database populated

josegonzalez / serializable

Model has:readme version:1.3.x

Store serializable data within relational databases in a snap with this CakePHP Behavior