Available CakePHP packages

1,250 packages found

andraskende / youtube-scraper-cakephp-app

Application has:config has:controller has:model has:shell version:2.x

search and import youtube videos - simple php mysql scraper application example using the cakephp framework...

angel333 / sublayouts

View has:view version:2.x

Allows you to use nested layouts in CakePHP.

angel333 / listing

Search has:helper version:2.x

A CakePHP plugin that allows you to paginate, search, filter and sort multiple listings (even from different models) on one page. It has also scaffolds and view code generation.

angel333 / CakePHP-StaticCache-Plugin

Caching version:2.x

Caching into static files (html) - not working yet!

angelxmoreno / CakePHP-Lighthouse-Datasource

Datasources has:readme version:2.x

Yeah, I'm building it and you can't stop me! Check the development branch

angelxmoreno / CakePHP-PrivateMessages

Messaging has:controller has:model has:readme version:2.x

A CakePHP plugin for adding PM ( private messaging ) to any CakePHP App

anthonyp / CakePHP-Braintree-Plugin

Payment Processing has:config has:controller has:datasource has:helper has:lib has:license has:model has:shell license:mit version:2.x

CakePHP plugin to facilitate interacting with Braintree.com's API using Transparent Redirect and Vaulted credit card information

anthonyp / CakePHP-AWS-Plugin

Third-party Apis has:config has:datasource has:lib has:license has:model has:readme license:mit version:2.x

CakePHP plugin containing datasources & models to facilitate interacting with Amazon Web Services