MicroData is a plugin for CakePHP using MicroData
CakePHP MySQL Util Plugin
Cakephp Less CSS compiler (forked from cakephp/less because of leafo/lessphp doesn't compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Now oyejorge/less.php is being used instead)
CakePHP Plugin for Froala Javascript WYSIWYG Text Editor
Feedback or bugreport (with screenshot!) tab option in your CakePHP application. Data can be posted directly to Mantis, E-mail, Github issues, filesystem, etc.
Easy way to handle file uploads in CakePHP
A CakePHP 2.x plugin for sending errors and exceptions to the Raygun.io service
A Statistics Plugin for CakePHP
CakePHP OAuth2 Server Plugin
CakePHP plugin - Easily create joins for your associated models.
CakePHP DataTable Plugin
CakePHP HAML template engine
CakePHP behavior to perform queries by Object-Oriented way
CakePHP view helper to construct HTML easily
A dynamic menu building helper for CakePHP 2.x
CakePHP plugin: Applies the callback to the all or specific request data
OAuth Server for CakePHP 3 using the PHP League's OAuth2 Server
CakePHP 3.0+ plugin to allow passing currently logged in user to model layer