Available CakePHP packages

510 packages found

SongPhi / cake-lessphp

View has:composer has:helper has:readme keyword:less keyword:songphi license:mit version:2.x

Cakephp Less CSS compiler (forked from cakephp/less because of leafo/lessphp doesn't compatible with Twitter Bootstrap 3. Now oyejorge/less.php is being used instead)

stefanvangastel / CakePHP-FeedbackIt

Developer Tools has:composer has:controller has:elements has:license has:locale has:model has:readme license:mit version:2.x

Feedback or bugreport (with screenshot!) tab option in your CakePHP application. Data can be posted directly to Mantis, E-mail, Github issues, filesystem, etc.

tigrang / EasyJoin

Model has:composer has:model has:readme license:mit version:2.x

CakePHP plugin - Easily create joins for your associated models.

tsmsogn / Datafilter

Reporting has:composer has:controller has:model has:readme has:tests has:travis license:mit version:2.x

CakePHP plugin: Applies the callback to the all or specific request data

UseMuffin / Footprint

has:behavior has:composer has:license has:readme keyword:footprint keyword:muffin license:mit version:3.x

CakePHP 3.0+ plugin to allow passing currently logged in user to model layer