Bancha Basic provides everything you need to build your first Ext JS or Sencha Touch application, while using CakePHP on the server.
This Add-On for Bancha helps Developer-Teams in the process of creating Bancha Applications.
baserCMS : Based Website Development Project
FacebookOAuth plugin for CakePHP 3.x
ReCaptcha plugin for cakephp 3.x
iAcl formaly name Evana Fitria ACL, credits to mark story, nicolas rod, cakephp, jquery, datatables js, twitter bootstrap, and font awesome
Visual CakePHP Framework Plugin
Remember CakePHP user authentications with token cookies.
CakePHP skeleton app
Shopping Cart Plugin for CakePHP that will work with any table and make it's records buyable.
Sample Application for the CakePHP Cart plugin:
Extension of the CakeDC users plugin that is implementing Opauth.
This plugin adds social logins from remote sites to your project.
Database logging adapter for CakePHP
[DEPRECIATED] Please use
Selenium helper for CakePHP
CakePHP database driven Config plugin
OAuth2 plugin for CakePHP