Available CakePHP packages

287 packages found

burzum / cakephp-user-tools

User Management has:behavior has:config has:entity has:helper has:model has:shell has:table has:tests license:mit version:3.x

This plugin is a set of tools for user handling like registration, login, email verification, password reset and much more.

burzum / CakePHP-ModelViz-Plugin

has:license has:model has:readme has:shell version:2.x

Plugin that generates a Graphviz output that can be used to render a diagram of the model associations.

ceeram / wsdl

Datasources has:composer has:datasource has:readme has:shell has:vendor license:mit version:2.x

SOAP made simple again with CakePHP. Build a classmap of the wsdl file.

ceeram / user

User Management has:config has:controller has:model has:shell version:2.x

CakePHP User plugin, with row based auth/acl checks