Available CakePHP packages

1,618 packages found

josegonzalez / sitemap-helper

SEO version:1.3.x

a simple helper plugin for cakephp that will help you build xml sitemaps and sitemap indexes

josegonzalez / stylish_errors

Error Handling version:1.3.x

Creates Rails-style error messages in your view (with session messages included!). Just add "echo $errors_for_layout;"

josegonzalez / trimmable-behavior

Third-party Apis has:readme version:1.3.x

cakephp behavior plugin that creates a shorturl for the current record

josegonzalez / twilio

Third-party Apis has:readme version:1.3.x

A cakephp datasource for twilio with support for the major Model methods

josegonzalez / webservice_plugin

API Creation has:readme has:view version:2.x

CakePHP plugin that takes the data you set and automatically serves it as JSON and XML

joshuapaling / CakePHP-Combinator-Plugin

has:helper has:readme version:2.x

Combinator Plugin for CakePHP 2.1 - combine, minify and cache Javascript and CSS files for faster load times.

joshuapaling / CakePHP-Export-CSV-Plugin

View has:readme has:tests version:2.x

CakePHP 2 Export Plugin - export data as .csv

jpablobr / SkipjackComponent

Payment Processing has:readme version:2.x

Cakephp component for connecting to Skipjack API and submit credit card orders.

jrbasso / array_datasource

Datasources has:datasource version:2.x

A CakePHP datasource to use with static values in models, can be associated with models that use the database.

jrbasso / MeioUpload

File Managers/Uploading has:behavior has:fixture has:locale has:readme has:tests version:2.x

Behavior for upload to CakePHP - DEPRECATED! Please use https://github.com/josegonzalez/upload instead

jrbasso / super_find

Search has:readme version:2.x

The Super Find is a plugin to CakePHP that allows you to search using the fields in models of relationships hasMany and HABTM (hasAndBelongsToMany).