Gathers metrics/statistics from wyrihaximus/ratchet.
Authentication Plugin for CakePHP 1.3
sample sources of cakephp-guidebook (japanese)
cakematsuri-sample CakePHP based tiny twitter clone. (branched contains steps of workshop)
GUI to manage ACL in CakePHP 2 without console
CakePHP lib, static methods to convert an ArrayToXml
AdobeConnect Plugin (API implemented as Models/Datasource) and some helpers
A simple shell to help upgrade an old cake1.1 application to cake1.2/1.3 readiness
CakePHP Plugin to interact with the Litle API
Just the demo code, used at the KYOSS/Meetup at LVL1
CakePHP Behavior for lat/lon Ranged Searches
Behaviour for standardizing and cleaning $this->data
A plugin monitor suite, you can tie into your cakephp application, and export to monitoring services
Edit in Place Plugin (Helper/Component) for CakePHP (requires jquery)
Google Checkout Plugin for CakePHP 2.1
CDN Assets + md5 hash as part of the filename = always unique URL. A CakePHP Plugin/Lib to facilitate (for JS, CSS, Images, etc)
AdobeConnect Plugin (API implemented as Models/Datasource) and some helpers
Stickyable Behavior to maintain contain and joins for multiple finds
Behavior to manage SELECT UNION finds with CakePHP