FileManager plugin for CakeAdmin and CakePHP 3.x
Users plugin for CakePHP
TextBlocks plugin for CakePHP
Social plugin for CakePHP
Notifications plugin for CakePHP 3.x
Analyzer plugin for CakePHP
LightStrap theme for the CakeAdmin Plugin
A CakePHP helper to let u use transparently google maps
A CakePHP Plugin for users
A CakePHP plugin with helpers for Twitter bootstrap
Self-contained application that automatically tracks cakephp developer's open source code repositories, including applications and plugins
CakePHP Inflector Website
CakePHP CodeSniffer Standards
An Elastic Search datasource and data mapper for CakePHP 3.0
[READ-ONLY] Provides connection managing and traits for Entities and Queries that can be reused for different datastores. This repo is a split of the main code that can be found in
[READ-ONLY] Flexible and powerful Database abstraction library with a familiar PDO-like API. This repo is a split of the main code that can be found in
CakePHP Framework Core classes
Work easily with arrays and iterators by having a battery of utility traversal methods
Run CakePHP tests using Codeception
[READ-ONLY] Easy to use Caching library with support for multiple caching backends. This repo is a split of the main code that can be found in