Available CakePHP packages

1,618 packages found

FriendsOfCake / CakePdf

View has:app has:composer has:config has:helper has:license has:readme has:tests has:travis has:view license:mit version:3.x

CakePHP plugin for creating and/or rendering Pdfs, several Pdf engines supported.

FriendsOfCake / CakePdf

View has:app has:composer has:config has:helper has:license has:readme has:tests has:travis has:view license:mit version:3.x

CakePHP plugin for creating and/or rendering Pdfs, several Pdf engines supported.

FriendsOfCake / crud

Admin Interface has:composer has:license has:readme keyword:bake keyword:create keyword:crud keyword:delete keyword:retrieve keyword:scaffold keyword:scaffolding keyword:update license:mit version:3.x

CakePHP Application development on steroids - rapid prototyping / scaffolding & production ready code - XML / JSON APIs and more

FriendsOfCake / crud-users

has:app has:composer has:license has:readme has:travis keyword:crud keyword:users license:mit version:3.x

Adds basic users support to CakePHP 3 applications that use the Crud plugin.

FriendsOfCake / vagrant-ansible

has:readme version:2.x

a vagrant installation with all the necessary ansible roles to run a basic cakephp application

FriendsOfCake / vagrant-chef

Developer Tools has:readme has:travis version:2.x

a vagrant installation with all the necessary chef cookbooks to run a basic cakephp application

froala / wysiwyg-cake

WYSIWYG editors has:composer has:config has:controller has:helper has:readme has:tests keyword:editor keyword:froala keyword:html keyword:javascript keyword:rte keyword:text keyword:wysiwyg license:proprietary version:3.x

A beautiful WYSIWYG text editor based on HTML5 technology. Cross browser, with mobile support, high performance and Retina Ready modern design.

gabrielgilini / central-estagios-uel

Application has:config has:controller version:2.x

Sistema para controle dos estágios supervisionados no Departamento de Computação da Universidade Estadual de Londrina

gabrielgilini / open-chart-plugin

View has:helper version:2.x

Open Flash Chart Helper for CakePHP