A CakePHP plugin for hierarchical, role based, simple authorization.
Finite state machine model behavior for CakePHP.
File Storage behavior for CakePHP
Tool collection for CakePHP
This plugin is giving you the possibility to store files in virtually and kind of storage backend. This plugin is wrapping the Gaufrette library (https://github.com/KnpLabs/Gaufrette) library in a CakePHP fashion and provides a simple way to use the
Shopping Cart Plugin for CakePHP that will work with any table and make it's records buyable.
HtmlPurifier plugin for CakePHP
Imagine Plugin for CakePHP
A CakePHP Driver for Lock.
A simple to use and configure RBAC authorization adapter for CakePHP
This plugin is a set of tools for user handling like registration, login, email verification, password reset and much more.
Extension of the CakeDC users plugin that is implementing Opauth.
Serialize-able data types for the CakePHP ORM
This plugin adds social logins from remote sites to your project.
Database logging adapter for CakePHP
[DEPRECIATED] Please use https://github.com/cakephp-fr/recaptcha/
To easily use Bootstrap Twitter 3.x in CakePHP projects
CakePHP wrapper for the php 5.3 Imagine image processing library.
CakePHP 3 Driver for Oracle Database
Enumeration list Plugin for CakePHP 3